Massively parallel functional dissection of schizophrenia-associated noncoding genetic variants
Massively parallel variant annotation (MVAP) combines a number of functional genomics assays toward the functional…
Massively parallel variant annotation (MVAP) combines a number of functional genomics assays toward the functional…
There are several theories for why schizophrenia and eating disorders can co-occur, but no definitive explanations.
During mouse embryonic development, cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons switch between two distinct active circuit motifs, the…
In a 2022 article I made the case that, contrary to the consensus view, there exists no valid evidence that genes play a role…
Schizophrenia is characterised by psychosis (loss of contact with reality), hallucinations (false perceptions), delusions (false…
It has been recognised for millennia that risk of mental illness (broadly defined) tends to run in families. Modern science has…
Once upon a time there was a family with twelve children – ten sons, followed by two daughters. Six of the sons went on to be…×439.jpg Il existe aujourd’hui un marché…
A research team led by Vanderbilt University scientists has identified a set of high-confidence risk genes for schizophrenia.
GWAS (genome-wide association studies) for psychiatric illnesses may be about to become a victim of their own success. The idea…
From STAT news. “Far be it from us to tell 23andMe how to run its business, but if it or any other DNA company wants to give…
A poorly-working placenta may affect brain development in the womb, and this could explain the link between pregnancy…
Why did the axon cross the midline? That seems like a simple enough biological problem to solve. In the developing nervous…
Times are a changing – the mind and body were previously thought of as separate entities, but it is now recognised that they…
Статья на конкурс «био/мол/текст»: Шизофре
In today’s world there’s not much you can be sure of, particularly when it comes to understanding the complexities of human…
Above: Scanning electron micrograph of microglia (white, indicated by black arrows) surrounding neuronal processes. From [Couturi…
Mandy Johnstone writes her debut Mental Elf blog on a recent Nature study, which identifies a set of genetic variations that…
This blog was inspired by discussions I have been having with Allen Frances and also partly in response to some blogs he was…
People who develop schizophrenia may have been born with structural changes to the brain, caused by lower levels of an…
We treat depression by trying different drugs until we find one that works—a highly imprecise approach to treating the most…
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis. Scientists have…
Scientists have identified hundreds of regions of the human genome that are linked with schizophrenia. These findings are…
A press-release from the Harvard-MIT Broad Institute reaches astonishing heights of hyperbole in announcing a new schizophrenia…
C4 (in green) located at the synapses of human neurons. (Courtesy Heather de Rivera, McCarroll lab)A deep genetic analysis…
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis. During his Ph.D.…
In comparison to autism, schizophrenia has had a longer history of study. Yet in recent times, research into the condition…
By Andrew Porterfield Just from a look at the number of drugs available to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other…
In 2000, behavioral geneticist Eric Turkheimer published an article entitled “Three Laws of Behavior Genetics and What They Mean.
Mental disorders are notoriously hard to treat. We now know that many psychological diseases are rooted in our DNA. That's a…
Many mental illnesses still defy treatment. The problem may be that we do not "know" how the brain functions very well or all…
Marcus Munafò looks at the mounting evidence about smoking and risk of schizophrenia, including a new case-control study that…
A paper published in Nature marks the culmination of a long debate about the genetic basis of a disorder sometimes considered…
Illustration by Daniel Fishel for BuzzFeed…
Genome-wide association tests have been hugely successful at finding genes and even specific mutations that contribute to…
“We’re still trying to delineate what the underlying mechanisms might be,” says Robert M. Buchanan, a researcher at the…
Schizophrenia is another one of those conditions (like alcoholism) that we're constantly being told is highly heritable, based…
Advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment could yield valuable insights for depression researchers, who struggle to understand…
I have a piece in the NYT Sunday Review on the neurological problems sometimes associated with celiac disease. So, in case it’s…
Image: (Anne Graham, NeuRA)This was last week's episode of the All in the Mind podcast from Radio National (ABC) in…
In the light of the much trumpeted claims that recent research has identified genes for schizophrenia, it is important to…
The current thinking on the etiology of schizophrenia is the diatheses-stress model, which suggests that a genetic…
Researchers found 108 genetic regions linked to schizophrenia, including 83 previously unrecognized. The findings suggest new…
In trying to make sense of psychological distress, research has moved away from psychological and sociological factors and is…
Genome-wide association studies have proved extremely successful in identifying reliable genetic associations with a number of…
The results of a genome-wide association study (GWAS) suggest that the immune system might be involved in schizophrenia.
Genes, pathways identified could inform new approaches to treatment As part of a multinational, collaborative effort…
As part of a multinational, collaborative effort, researchers from the Broad Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)…
Wraz z blogiem Neurobigos zapraszam do lektury dwuczęściowego artykułu nawiązującego do najnowszego badania nad podłożem…
Wraz z blogiem Neurobigos zapraszam do lektury dwuczęściowego artykułu nawiązującego do najnowszego badania nad podłożem…
The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard This was big news last week, when late on Monday, the Broad Institute, a biomedical…
I am a neuroscientist, and as a neuroscientist I have a strange belief that most of who we are comes from our brains. My entire…
Schizophrenia’s genetic skyline…
Health and…
Eine internationale Schizophrenie-Arbeitsgruppe identifizierte Genorte, die mit dem Risiko der Entwicklung von Schizophrenie…
By Michael O’Donovan, Cardiff University There are lots of medicines available to help with the symptoms of schizophrenia. Some…
News in Exploration of the Biological Causes of Mental Illness: Potential for New Treatments Reporter: Aviva Lev-Ari, PhD,RN…
In today’s New York Times, Benedict Carey and I have a feature about two big pieces of news on the search for genes involved in…
The Broad Institute today announced that it will be receiving $650 million from philanthropist Ted Stanley with the goal to…
--> A paper published today represents a true landmark in psychiatric genetics. It reports results of a genome-wide…
Researchers at the Broad Institute plan to use Ted Stanley’s money to catalog all the genetic variations that contribute to…
Nancy Buccola, MSN, APRN, PMHCNS-BC, CNE, Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans…
Genetic risk: Using multiple statistical models, researchers have attributed 59 percent of the risk of developing autism to…