Qual è l’impatto della felicità sulla salute fisica e psicologica?
Felicità e salute, un binomio inscindibile, almeno a sentire gli esperti, che sostengono come non ci sia vera salute senza…
Felicità e salute, un binomio inscindibile, almeno a sentire gli esperti, che sostengono come non ci sia vera salute senza…
Felicità e salute, un binomio inscindibile, almeno a sentire gli esperti, che sostengono come non ci sia vera salute senza…
Obsesionarse con la satisfacción permanente también es un problema Este lunes, 20 de marzo, se celebra el Día internacional de…
Aquest dilluns, 20 de març, és el Dia Internacional de la Felicitat, una efemèride que se celebra des del 2013, quan l'ONU va…
Source: Andre Furtado/Pexels Letting go of what you think life's supposed to look like may best underscore an August 2022 study…
Optimism is “an excellent protector of our health and satisfaction with life. This was pointed out by the psychiatrist Luis…
El optimismo ofrece beneficios para la salud y aumenta el bienestar y la sensación de satisfacción con la vida El optimismo es “u…
Happiness is only partially determined by your genes — the rest is up to you and your environment.
Felicità e salute, un binomio inscindibile, almeno a sentire gli esperti, che sostengono come non ci sia vera salute senza…
Felicità e salute, un binomio inscindibile, almeno a sentire gli esperti, che sostengono come non ci sia vera salute senza…
Happiness is only partially determined by your genes, and the rest comes down to environment.
Some people seem to be born with a happier, carefree disposition than others, and research indicates that — yes — some of your…
Happiness is only partially determined by your genes, and the rest comes down to lifestyle and other environmental factors that…
JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images Happiness is only partially determined by your genes, and the rest comes down to lifestyle and…
Happiness is only partially determined by your genes, and the rest comes down to lifestyle and other environmental factors that…
In Yorkshire, in der Ortschaft Kellingley, hat das letzte Steinkohlebergwerk 2015 zu gemacht– als Allerletztes von einst mehr…
Nov 7 · 8 min read Folger Shakespeare Library Digital Image Collection http://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/s/qnew27, CC BY-SA 4.0…
Hay personas que ven siempre el vaso medio lleno y acostumbran a darle la vuelta a las adversidades siempre con una sonrisa en…
Las 4 claves esenciales para alcanzar la felicidad - Infobae Según la ONU, hay maneras sencillas y prácticas de lograr este…
A researcher from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam tells CNBC that she has linked nearly two dozen sites in the human genome to…
11. Juli 2016 Ob wir zufrieden sind, muss nicht immer von äußeren Einflüssen abhängen.
Wohlbefinden, Depression und neurotisches Verhalten können teilweise angeboren sein, aber die Effekte einzelner Gene sind winzig.
Hay personas que ven siempre el vaso medio lleno y acostumbran a darle la vuelta a las adversidades siempre con una sonrisa en…
Científicos de la Universidad Vrije de Amsterdam (Países Bajos) han encontrado una superposición genética entre la felicidad y…
© Picture-Alliance Lebenszufriedenheit ist genetisch bedingt. Das beweist eine Studie von „Nature Genetics“ – aber wie ist das…
Victoria Azarenka of Belarus laughs with the winners trophy as Serena Williams of USA pulls a face after the final during day…
Tutkijat löysivät geenejä, joka yhdistetään subjektiiviseen hyvinvointiin, masennusoireisiin ja neuroottisuuteen.
Ricercatori olandesi hanno isolato, per la prima volta, le porzioni del genoma che potrebbero spiegare le differenze…
A huge study involving over 190 researchers in 140 research centers in 17 countries has located genetic variants associated…
Article Attribution and Read More at: Article Source A huge study involving over 190 researchers in 140 research centers in 17…
© Fornecido por Notícias ao Minuto Porque é que umas pessoas são mais felizes e satisfeitas com a vida do que outras? Porque…
LifestyleEstudoHá 16 minsPOR Daniela Costa Teixeira Porque é que umas pessoas são mais felizes e satisfeitas com a vida do que…
Di @SilviaSoligonTw mercoledì 27 aprile 2016 La scoperta in uno studio su Nature Genetics Un gruppo internazionale di…
Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte haben Forscher Teile des menschlichen Genoms isoliert.
© non disponibile La felicità è una questione di Dna : a determinare la nostra reazione ad un'esperienza positiva sono alcuni…
Condividi su Facebook Tweet su Twitter Scritti nel Dna, determinano il modo in cui viviamo le esperienze positive La felicità è…
Genetic variations that influence how individuals experience happiness have been identified.
The secret to happiness is one of life's biggest questions. And while circumstances do play a big role in how happy — or…
The second Nordic food wave has already begun to crest over NYC, and tonight Danish chef Claus Meyer will expand from a bakery…
There are a lot of different factors that influence how we experience emotions, and recent research suggests that DNA may be…
Vererbtes Glück: Wer mit seinem Leben zufrieden ist und sich glücklich fühlt, könnte das seinem Erbgut verdanken.
TEHRAN (FNA)- For the first time in history, researchers isolated the parts of the human genome that could explain the…
VU Amsterdam Scientists Have Found A Genetic Overlap Between Happiness And Depression For the first time in history…
We all have a friend like this — one with an extra pep in her step who is always smiling and laughing, and who is the eternal…
Scientists have discovered the human "happiness" gene thanks to a new study. The new findings could be important when it comes…
In a large-scale international study, researchers have identified three genetic variants associated with subjective well-being (h…
Por primera vez en la historia, un equipo científico ha aislado partes del genoma humano que podrían explicar las diferencias…
The First Happiness Genes Have Been Located Posted 11 hours ago by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam For the first time in history…
For the first time in history, researchers have isolated the parts of the human genome that could explain the differences in…
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F or the first time in history, researchers have isolated the parts of the human genome that could explain the differences in…
VU - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (via noodls) / 04/25/2016 For the first time in history, reers have isolated the parts of the…
For the first time in history, researchers have isolated the parts of the human genome that could explain the differences in…
Международная группа ученых обнаружила гены, отвечающие за субъективное ощущение счастья и благополучия, сообщается в научном жур…
Subjektives Wohlbefinden lässt sich anhand verschiedener Gen-Varianten erklären.
Apr 21, 2016 09:25 AM EDT Environmental factors are not the only things affecting how people think and feel about their lives.
Apr 21, 2016 09:25 AM EDT Environmental factors are not the only things affecting how people think and feel about their lives.
A person’s sense of well-being, as well as likelihood of developing depressive symptoms or neuroticism is influenced by both…
Ученые провели генетический анализ нескольких сот тысяч человек и обнаружили гены, связанные с повышенным риском развития таких з…
Nachrichten Genomanalytik 20.04.2016 - Wer ist glücklich? Zum großen Teil sind es Umweltfaktoren, die Menschen zufrieden machen.
PUBLICADO EN 'NATURE GENETICS' JANO.es · 20 abril 2016 10:28 Un análisis del genoma completo del bienestar subjetivo en 300.000…
15:53 Ein internationales Konsortium von 178 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus verschiedenen Disziplinen hat…
Onderzoekers van de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam hebben plekken op het menselijke genoom gevonden die de verschillen in…
Daniel Benjamin, Meike Bartels, Philipp Koellinger and colleagues report a genome-wide association meta-analysis of subjective…
Un estudio publicado hoy en Nature Genetics ha identificado tres nuevas variantes genéticas asociadas al bienestar subjetivo…