Do you really need individualized food advice? What experts say about the personalized nutrition trend
Nutrition guidance can be frustratingly general: Eat more greens. Prioritize protein.
Nutrition guidance can be frustratingly general: Eat more greens. Prioritize protein.
Nutrition guidance can be frustratingly general: Eat more greens. Prioritize protein.
Nutrition guidance can be frustratingly general: Eat more greens. Prioritize protein.
Most of us know we should eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. So why would the National Institutes of Health spend $150…
Sign up for CNN's Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style.. (CNN)Most of know we should eat more fruits, vegetables and whole…
编者按:本文来自 微信 公众号 “大象公会”(ID:idxgh2013) ,作者:朱不换,36氪经授权发布。 2020 年起,瑞幸、连咖啡等咖啡连锁店在中国接连衰退,而各大奶茶品牌却仍风起云涌。这其中虽有商业运营等原因,却也指向了中国人的消费偏好: 同是咖啡…
中国人不太喝咖啡,是因为基因不耐受,还是因为谋生方式和饮食传统? 2020 年起,瑞幸、连咖啡等咖啡连锁店在中国接连衰退,而各大奶茶品牌却仍风起云涌。这其中虽有商业运营等原因,却也指向了中国人的消费偏好: 同是咖啡因饮料,中国人为什么更偏爱奶茶等茶饮料,而不…
© Pexels / Kevin Menajang Wzorek na kawie Analizując populacje ludzi we włoskich wioskach, naukowcy przeprowadzili badanie całego…
МОСКВА, 15 дек — РИА Новости, Альфия Еникеева. По количеству выпиваемого чая россияне уступают только китайцам.
Our parents have a big impact on our habits. For instance, children whose parents smoke are more than twice as likely to smoke…
Apakah Anda minum kopi yang baru diseduh untuk memulai hari Anda? Atau Anda lebih memilih secangkir teh menemani sarapan pagi?
Do you drink freshly brewed coffee to start off your day? Or is English breakfast tea a better option for you? Your choice…
Do you drink freshly brewed coffee to start off your day? Or is a cup of English breakfast tea a better option for you? Your…
Do you drink freshly brewed coffee to start off your day? Or is a cup of English breakfast tea a better option for you? Your…
Do you drink freshly brewed coffee to start off your day? Or is a cup of English breakfast tea a better option for you? Your…
Do you drink freshly brewed coffee to start off your day? Or is a cup of English breakfast tea a better option for you? Your…
Here’s the thing about coffee: there’s never been much scientific debate about whether it’s healthy.
Legend has it that coffee was discovered by a goat herder around 850 AD in what is now Ethiopia.
Düsseldorf. Außergewöhnliche Kräfte haben – ein typischer Kinderwunsch. Superheld wird man aber nicht wie im Comic durch…
More than 99 percent of your genetic information is exactly the same as every other person on the planet.
Depending on your genetic make-up, you might be able to drink coffee right before bed or feel wired after just one cup, ongoing…
Depending on your genetic make-up, you might be able to drink coffee right before bed or feel wired after just one cup, ongoing…
Depending on a person’s genetic make-up, he or she might be able to guzzle coffee right before bed or feel wired after just one…
A new Northwestern Medicine caffeine study has found that a variant in a gene that has previously been linked with nicotine…
A new Northwestern Medicine caffeine study has found that a variant in a gene that has previously been linked with nicotine…
CHICAGO --- Depending on a person's genetic make-up, he or she might be able to guzzle coffee right before bed or feel wired…
La génétique pourrait expliquer pourquoi certaines personnes boivent plus de café que d’autres : des chercheurs européens ont…
Published: August 27, 2016, 3:35 pm (CNN) — Whether a cup of java will leave you craving more could be chalked up to your genes.
How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? According to a new study, the answer might depend on your DNA.
People with a newly identified genetic variant in their DNA, called PDSS2, may be inclined to drink fewer cups of coffee than…
Some people can’t start the day without a piping hot cup of coffee (or two, or three).
/Business Insider Me drinking what may or may not be coffee. I’m not a coffee person.
/Business Insider Me drinking what may or may not be coffee. I’m not a coffee person.
Áine Cain/Business Insider Me drinking what may or may not be coffee. I’m not a coffee person.
Me drinking what may or may not be coffee.Áine Cain/Business Insider I'm not a coffee person.
Sean Gallup/ Each day, the average American drinks about 300 milligrams (mg) of caffeine.
© Lydia Ramsey/Business Insider eating a cube Lydia Ramsey/Business Insider I'm not a morning person.
© Flickr/Bureau of Land Management Oregon, Provided by Business Insider More than 99% of your genetic information is exactly…
Coffee is controversial. Depending on who you ask, it is either a wonderful beverage or addictive poison. I’ve looked at the…
A new study shows how our coffee habits relate to our genetic code revealing how to experience the most optimal effect of…
Myths abound as to how much of what drinks we should all be consuming for optimal health and daily well-being.
Got a sweet tooth or a penchant for salty potato chips?
In college, when I worked part-time as a barista at a local coffee shop, I would often serve the same customers day in and day…
Research suggests that a person's consumption of the beverage is determined in part by his or her DNA—and that its benefits…
Research suggests that a person's consumption of the beverage is determined in part by their DNA—and that it its benefits could…
Why do some people drink more coffee than others? The answer good lie with genetic differences, according to a new study.
Need that cup of joe to get going in the morning? Or avoid it because java tends to make you strung out? Either way, the…
Científicos británicos vinculan con distintas variaciones genéticas el diferente modo con que cada cual reacciona al café.
If you’ve ever wondered why some folks can manage to stay awake even without sipping a single drop of coffee while others need…
Researchers have found that genetics can influence how people respond to caffeine, helping some develop a taste for the world's…
A new genetic explanation for your caffeine cravings
Coffee and caffeine intake has different effects on different individuals. A new study suggests genes may play a role to such…
Do you like coffee? Then it may be due to your genes. Scientists have found six new genetic variants associated with habitual…
Scientists have identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking.
Two variants were identified near genes BDNF and SLC6A4 that potentially influence the rewarding effects of caffeine The…
Boston, MA — A new, large-scale study has identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking.
If you’re a coffee addict, blame your biological makeup
Scientists have identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking, a discovery that explains why…
In a first, researchers have identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking, suggesting why some…
Buona memoria, ansia, nervosismo e mal di stomaco. Chi beve caffè rischia uno di questi effetti, e a decidere quale, sarebbe il…
New York, Oct 8 (IANS) — In a first, researchers have identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee…
New York, Oct 8 (IANS) In a first, researchers have identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking…
In a first, researchers have identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking, suggesting why some…
Coffee and caffeine intake has unique effects on distinct people. A new study suggests genes may well play a role to such…
In a first, researchers have identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking, suggesting why some…
Whether you drink a cup or a pot of coffee per day depends in part on your DNA, as scientists have previously shown. Now…
Brooks Hays CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 7 (UPI) -- Scientists recently discovered eight specific genes that help explain human coffee…
Your DNA may predict your daily coffee intake, according to a new study.
In a recent study, researchers have discovered genes which they believe are linked to caffeine, which may explain why some…
Caffeine usage and uptake is controlled by genes, a new metastudy reveals, suggesting tolerance - and addiction - may be…
Read more about DNA linked to how much coffee you drink Comments
Researchers looked at genetic factors linked to coffee intake.
A huge study has identified some genes that may play a role in how much coffee you drink every day.
Six newly-identified genetic variations may explain our response to coffee
A study by the international Coffee and Caffeine Genetics Consortium looked at DNA samples and data sets from the coffee-drinking…
Lo dice una ricerca condotta da un genetista della Harvard University
A new, large-scale study has identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking. "Coffee and caffeine…
You probably know that many of your traits are influenced by your genes. Your eye color, hair texture , and even the…
Whether you're one of those four-espressos-a-day kind of people or if one half-shot latte sends you over the edge, know this…
People's coffee drinking habits are linked to their genes, scientists have found.
A new, large-scale study has identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking. The genome-wide meta-a…
Chuck Bednar for - Your Universe Online If you’re the type of person who drinks several cups of coffee , it may…
A new, large-scale study has identified six new genetic variants associated with habitual coffee drinking. The genome-wide meta-a…